Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ways to set width and height for pure ActionScript applications

Mikemo's blog "Setting the width and height of a pure-ActionScript application"
mentioned a way to set width and height of a pure actionscript application using meta tag:

But for pure-ActionScript projects, it isn't so obvious. The way to do it is to use the SWF metadata attribute above the declaration of the class:

package {
[SWF(width="300", height="200")]
public class MyApp extends Sprite {

Kevin Hoyt also left a comment in Mikemo's blog stating:
You can also set the width, height, stage [background] color, and frame rate as a compiler argument.

Here is the option:

default-size width height -- Defines the default application size, in pixels.

Or you can even set width and height in flex configuration file as the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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